I'm so glad you’ve landed here.

Maybe you’ve tried to change on your own, but you feel stuck and unsure of what to do next.

You aren’t alone.

Enacting change can be complex. It isn’t always straightforward, nor can it always be done from listening to a podcast or reading a book or two (or nine or ten).

You haven’t failed and you certainly aren’t weak.

We ALL need help at times.

I’d be honored to guide you on your quest to become the most self-accepting, confident, empowered, & peaceful version of you.

Holistic Therapy


Clients that come to me are looking for professional support with anxiety, burnout, self-esteem, perfectionism, codependency & other relationship issues, disordered eating & body image, and a harsh inner critic that won’t shut up. I also support those amidst life transitions (break up/divorce, career change, move, etc.), highly sensitive people, or those interested in personal growth utilizing a mind-body approach.

Life is too short to be overthinking, anxious, insecure, burnt out, constantly seeking others' approval, and/or feeling guilty for making decisions for you.

Imagine if you stopped people-pleasing, perfecting, & performing for others, & found balance in relationships, work, with food & your body, and life as a whole.

I want you to feel confident, compassionate, and capable to make changes that benefit you. I'm here to provide a supportive space for you to thrive.

While located in Denver, CO, I am licensed in Colorado & Texas & can offer some therapy modalities online. Coaching available in other sates.

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Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) is an extensively researched, evidence-based approach for trauma, PTSD, anxiety, depression, disordered eating & more.

I am trained with a somatic and attachment-based approach which is pivotal for deep healing. This aides many in feeling safer in their bodies & in themselves, in their relationships, and in their lives as a whole.

EMDR helps to take the emotional charge out of past events and develop perspective in a different way than talk therapy. EMDR works to rewrite the storyline around past stored negative experiences. It does not require talking in detail about the distressing issue; instead EMDR uses the brain’s natural processes to heal itself.

The American Psychiatric Association Practice Guideline (2004) has stated that SSRI's, CBT, and EMDR are recommended as first-line treatments for trauma.

For many clients, EMDR therapy can be completed in fewer sessions than other traditional psychotherapies.

For more information please visit: www.emdria.org, or reach out to me with your questions!

Speaking at a Leadership Conference for corporate managers. I love motivating & equipping others to better care for themselves, both mentally & physically.


I know how the power of relatable stories and therapeutic tools can spark dramatic change in a person’s life. Using my personal and professional experiences, I show up as an authentic, heartfelt, & engaging speaker.

Delivering a full-bodied experience, I weave in space for listeners to talk & connect, journal & reflect, and be led in guided meditation, accessible yoga, breathwork, & visualization exercises.

Past keynotes include:

  • From Burnout To Balance: How to Value & Take Care Of Yourself

  • Embodying Self-Compassion to Let Go of Perfectionism

  • Creating a Life of Alignment vs. Achievement

I’ve been a keynote speaker for professionals, conferences, colleges, women’s groups, yoga studios and more.

Past attendees have found my speaking to be “authentic and relatable” & “thoughtful & insightful”. They’ve also shared receiving “helpful resources for burnout” and the best feedback, “We wished we had more time with Julianne”.

I love sharing emotional wellness and therapy tips with you!

The Everyday Therapy podcast discusses everyday topics related to overall emotional wellness.

Tune in to hear us therapists’ (and friends) chit-chat about how to create positive change with tips, stories, and inspiration for your dose of every day therapy. Found on SoundCloud.