Find the Love Within Retreat 11.08.24 - 11.10.24 Colorado Springs, CO
We currently have ONE spot left for our last retreat of the year scheduled November 8 - 10th.
While our plans were to resume with the next retreat in May 2025, after concluding September’s retreat & witnessing the deep, profound life-changing healing of retreat attendees, we decided we couldn’t wait that long!
Plus, as the holiday season approaches, what a gift it could be to pour into yourself & change any ingrained patterns of how you relate to stress & family, & all that comes with the season.
We have a growing interest list for 2025, reach out if you want to be added!
In love & healing, Julianne & Annie
Julianne and Annie's thoughtful care and consideration of the women attending was extraordinary. Their mindful approach to creating an environment where we all felt an immediate, familiar connection was a great way to start the weekend and beyond anything I expected. The sense of belonging they cultivated and nurtured was genuine and effortless, making it possible for us to relax and form deep, meaningful bonds that were instant and enduring.
The care and support I received from Julianne and Annie during my journey supported an environment for me to embrace and explore and reconnect to my innermost self to find the love within. It left me feeling refreshed, empowered, confident. I felt deeply connected to myself, my community, and the world. It truly was a weekend of profound healing, growth, and peace that has left an indelible imprint in my heart forever.
“Don't stop. You're true authentic care and concern for us was and is palpable.”
“Attending this retreat has helped reshaped my understanding of myself. Approaching the experience, I felt a mix of fear and uncertainty, but Julianne and Annie immediately created a warm and welcoming atmosphere that eased my nerves. They took the time to foster connections among us, allowing for genuine fun and laughter, which helped establish a sense of safety and belonging right from the start. The journey itself was challenging at times. I confronted emotions and experiences I had long avoided. I asked the medicine to guide me, and it did not disappoint. Each moment brought deeper understanding and healing, pushing me to face what I needed to confront.
Emerging from the experience, I felt a profound openness to my emotions—something I’ve historically struggled with. I found new ways to express myself and connect with others, and most importantly, I connected with my inner child, learning to love and accept her. I realized that I truly matter; I am more than enough, and I’ll continue to remind my little girl of this. This retreat has not only transformed my emotional landscape but also reinforced the importance of facing fears in a supportive environment. I’m incredibly grateful for the insights I gained. If you’re on the fence about attending this retreat, I promise there’s no safer, more compassionate space to learn about yourself, confront your deepest fears, and discover the love within you. Julianne and Annie are the perfect guides for this transformative experience.”
“The Find the Love Within retreat was beautifully curated in a nurturing environment for our healing journey. The authentic support and care from Julianne made all the difference in providing a safe and transformative experience. She was respectful of our process but was there by my side when and if needed, holding space for me to be seen and heard. The retreat was held in the most amazing place, the Earthship, providing the perfect atmosphere to feel embraced and supported by the healing energy of Mother Nature.”
“You and Annie both brought different energies and positives to the group. A big reason I signed up was because I know you would bring a safe and loving presence as well as creating space to push us and help us to be vulnerable. I really liked knowing there were two trusting people there to support.
Side note- Annie is a hoot - perfect way to describe her and it wouldn’t have been the same without her. She compliments you and the group well and I feel like her energy and knowledge was appreciated.”
“I have been reflecting all week and my nervous system and my soul are so grateful for what this weekend gave me. Julianne you did a great job of making me feel safe, relaxed - I was not nervous once and I am usually anxious and I felt at peace the whole time.
You let me have my space and I knew I was not alone so I could really enjoy my journey. It wasn’t the “psychedelic” experience I thought it would be. And although my experience makes me laugh and is a great story to tell - it’s also a memory to anchor me. I’ve been less anxious since I’ve returned and although I feel it coming up at times and when it does I can remember images from my time and it helps me release and relax. I was able to feel different emotions during my journey and I wasn’t ashamed, scared or upset. In fact it just felt “ok” and i was reminded how “ok” I am and will be!
I will be doing this again and I hope to join you again sometime soon! Anyone considering, curious, or experienced - if you are scared, don’t be. This retreat changed my life - I hope that for you too!”